Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Stem Cell Therapy For Rheumatoid Arthritis

As improved treatment methods continue to develop, so does the efficiency and viability of stem cell research and therapy. As these new treatments and advancements are made, we are able to offer more successful options for our patients who suffer from chronic pain. At Neo Matrix Medical we treat a number of ailments including:

  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Stress Fractures
  • Tendinitis
  • Tendinosis
  • Turf Toe
  • Bursitis
  • ACL, PCL, Meniscus tears
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

While many of these types of ailments are prevalent later in adulthood, one of the most common afflictions we treat our patients for is Rheumatoid Arthritis.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the human body attacks the thin membrane that lines the joints, also called the synovium, within your body. Once these membranes have been broken down, joint pain is often the most prevalent symptom. Without the necessary medreamstime_xxl_11971725mbranes in your joints, fluid build-ups and creates painful inflammation. This chronic disease leaves patients in constant pain and can eventually lead to permanent joint damage, loss of joint junction, and disability. Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis are available, but are often more successful when caught early-on and with aggressive action.

Can Stem Cell Therapy Help Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Unfortunately, Rheumatoid Arthritis is often seen as incurable ailment. However, Neo Matrix Medical is here to offer stem cell therapy, which is a permanent and usually pain-free way to cure chronic pain. Although the process does require that we obtain blood cell marrow or placental cells, we take care to offer treatments that bring you as little discomfort as possible. For Rheumatoid Arthritis patients, this means that these treatments offer hope to those with unmet and untreatable symptoms. Our goal is to optimize your pain relief and ensure permanent change. Although our stem cell therapy methods are relatively new to the field of medicine, we have full confidence in our highly-trained and knowledgeable medical professionals.

At Neo Matrix Medical, our Rheumatoid Arthritis treatments lower the chances of complications that surgery and other practices cannot guarantee. They also offer relief for patients who are not responding to drug treatments, as well as faster results than most other treatment options. Our stem cell therapy treatments work where other methods do not because the stem cells we use have distinct immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties that repair and regenerate damaged tissues. Stem cell therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis is being studied for efficacy in improving the complications in patients through the use of their own stem cells. Stem cell therapies may help patients who don’t respond to typical drug treatment, patients who want to reduce their reliance on medication, or are looking to try stem cell therapy before starting drug treatment.

In the end, stem cell therapy is becoming a renowned and more efficient method of curing many ailments. We are confident that our treatment options could be the methods you need to relieve your painful Rheumatoid Arthritis pain. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our medical professionals today, or stop in to consult with with our knowledgeable staff. At Neo Matrix Medical, our mission to help you live a happy and healthy life. Try stem cell therapy today!

from Blog – Neo Matrix Medical

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Finding a Cure for an Incurable Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating condition of movement disorder that is both chronic and progressive, only getting worse with time. It is a neuro degenerative disease characterized by low dopamine levels. This is caused by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, part of the midbrain that helps govern reward and movement. The exact cause of this degeneration remains uncertain.

The low levels of dopamine lead to improper functioning of the nigrostriatal pathway, one of the major dopaminergic pathways in the brain connecting the substantia nigra with the dorsal striatum. The pathway is involved in modulation of the extrapyramidal system which exerts a measure of control over bodily movements.

People with Parkinson’s disease experience gradual loss of control over bodily movements affecting how they move, speak and write. Symptoms start from something as simple as slight tremors and may gradually develop into bad posture, stiffness, slow movement, difficulty walking, amnesia and dementia among many other enervating conditions which keep getting worse. Patients may have to struggle enormously to make basic movements and often experience moments of “freezing” where they cannot move at all. Early symptoms may go unnoticed.

In order to understand Parkinson’s disease, you need to accustom yourself with a few things



The unmitigated role of dopamine is still being explicated. What we know is that it functions as a neurotransmitter, meaning that it is released by nerve cells or neurons and received by other neurons completing the transmission of signals between the cells. Dopamine travels between cells in certain neural pathways in the brain called the dopaminergic pathways which are neuromodulatory in nature which is to say that they are ‘broadcast’ over a region rather than targeted at particular adjacent neurons. It also means that they affect the behavior of the receiving neurons for longer owing to their interaction with metabrotopic or G-protein neuroreceptors, transmitting signals that neither excite nor inhibit.

The dopaminergic pathways are found to be associated with cognitive processes of reward, motivation, pleasure, attention, motor activity and associative learning. Dopamine also helps govern functions of arousal and pain sensitivity. An issue with these functions could lead to an array of disorders including but definitely not limited to ADHD, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease.



Neurons and glial cells are what the brain is primarily composed of. While glial cells provide structural and metabolic support, insulation, regulate the brain’s network and far outnumber neurons while also preserving their functioning, it is the neurons that perform the heavy tasks of the brain including speech, movement, learning, motivation, and arousal.

Neurons or nerve cells send, receive and process information through electrochemical signals over long distances in the body. Neurons can be said to form the functional unit of the central nervous system in animals. The most recent plausible research suggests there are about 86 billion neurons in the brain. Anything that hampers the functioning of neurons could potentially disable a person.


Finding the cure

Although the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be treated and alleviated to an extent, no cure has yet been found. Conventional treatments include administration of drug Levodopa and deep-brain stimulation.

Levodopa or L-DOPA can be synthesized in a lab and is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. It is converted into dopamine by an enzyme called aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase or AADC, temporarily increasing dopamine concentrations to alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

However, over time its effectiveness decreases. Moreover, the administration of L-DOPA diminishes the body’s ability to create it naturally resulting in more movement disorders, making the situation only worse.

In cases where drugs are not very effective, patients may undergo surgery to implant electrodes that stimulate the deep brain. While these treatments relieve the symptoms, they are ineffective in slowing down or stopping the progress of Parkinson’s disease and dopamine cells within the substantia nigra keep dying.

Scientists have been trying for years to grow dopamine-producing nerve cells using stem cells in the lab so they may be able to replace the lost neurons with new, healthy ones. Recently, scientists at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria, Australia have achieved something extraordinary and given us new hope.

The neuroscientists have injected stem cells into the brain of a 64-year-old Victorian man over an 8-hour-long surgery. The man whose identity remains private suffers from Parkinson’s disease. It is hoped that the cells will develop into dopamine-producing neurons in his brain.

In this experimental, first-of-its-kind surgery, two 1.5cm holes were drawn in the skull of the patient through which millions of pluripotent stem cells were transplanted at 14 injection sites, 7 on each side of the brain. The surgery had shown great promise in preclinical trials and is expected to slow the progress of the disease in the patient, if not completely cure it.

The patient was discharged within 72 hours after a 24 hour later scan after the surgery that revealed no complications. The patient will be scanned at 6 and 12 months to see if the stem cells have transformed into dopaminergic neurons.

The risks of such an operation run high with high chances of paralysis, stroke or even death but the prospect of reversing the damage of Parkinson’s disease is splendid, if not game-changing! This hope is garnered by the efforts of neurologist Andrew Evans and neurosurgeon Girish Nair among others and will pave the way for the next step in neurological science.

The Victorian man was the first among a dozen patients chosen to undergo this revolutionary stem cell procedure at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

The results of this treatment will be validated in two years. For more information on stem cell therapy and research, visit Neo Matrix Medical.

from Neo Matrix Medical

Tuesday, 23 August 2016


Scientist have for long been researching the employment of stem cells to cure heart diseases.

Heart disease claims more than 17 million deaths worldwide every year making it the biggest cause of death. Congenital heart defects, heart attacks and alcoholism/drug abuse continually damage the heart. While most defects gradually weaken the heart over time, heart attacks may sometimes result in sudden and detrimental damage to the heart. Damage is not limited to a specific type of cells and, thus, cannot be alleviated with simple measure. Some of the most important types of cells in the heart include cardiomyocytes (muscle cells that make the heart beat), cardiac pacemaker cells (that send and receive electrical signals to maintain rhythm) and endothelial cells (which line the blood vessels to help deliver oxygen to cardiomyocytes).


Repairing the damage to the heart would require renovation of all cell types which is an incredibly difficult feat to pull off.

This is where stem cells come in!

Stem cells have the ability to transform into different types of cells. For long now, scientists have been dreaming of creating transplantable hearts from stem cells in a lab and a group of researchers have just brought themselves one step closer to that dream by growing a beating human heart in a lab. They used pluripotent stem cells to create all types of heart cells over what they called a “scaffold” foundation.

Here is the full report by Robin Andrews from IFL Science

Right now, there are 4,186 people waiting for a heart transplant in the U.S., but with a huge donor shortage not all of these patients are likely to survive. Growing transplantable hearts in a laboratory has been a long-standing dream within the medical community, and a study in the journal Circulation Research has moved it one step closer to reality: A team of researchers have successfully grown a beating human heart in the laboratory using stem cells.


Previous research has shown how 3D printers can be used to manufacture 3D heart segments using biological material. Although vacant of any actual heart cells, these structures provided the “scaffold” on which heart tissue could be grown. Now, a team from both Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School has taken this scaffolding concept and combined it with stem cells for some truly spectacular results.

The main problem with heart transplants, other than a lack of donors, is that there’s a chance that the receiver’s body will reject the new organ. Their immune system will often register the foreign tissue as a threat, whereupon it will proceed to attack and destroy it. The only way to stop this from happening are drugs that suppress the immune system, and this is only successful in some cases.

For this study, 73 human hearts deemed unsuitable for transplantation were carefully immersed in solutions of detergent in order to strip them of any cells that would provoke this self-destructive response. What was left was a matrix (or “scaffold”) of a heart, complete with its intricate structures and vessels, providing a new foundation for new heart cells to be grown onto.

This is where pluripotent stem cells come in. These “primitive” stem cells have the ability to become almost any type of cell in the body, including bone, nerve, and even muscle – including those found in the heart.


For this research, human skin cells were reprogrammed into becoming pluripotent stem cells. They were then induced into becoming two types of heart cells, which were shown to readily develop and grow on the lab scaffold when bathed in a nutrient solution.

After just two weeks, the networks of lab-grown heart cells already resembled immature but intricately structured hearts. The team gave them a burst of electricity, and the hearts actually started beating.

Significantly, any heart cells grown in this way would be recognized by the patient’s immune system as “friendly,” as long as the original skin cells were sourced from their own body in the first place. This means that these lab-grown hearts would not be rejected and, of course, there’s no donor to wait for.

“Among the next steps that we are pursuing are improving methods to generate even more cardiac cells,” said Jacques Guyette, a biomedical researcher at the MGH Center for Regenerative Medicine and lead author of the study, in a statement. Although this study manufactured a whopping 500 million stem cell-derived heart cells for the procedure, regrowing a whole heart would actually take “tens of billions,” Guyette added.

So despite falling short of growing an entire, mature human heart in a laboratory from a patient’s own cells, this is the closest anyone has come to date to reaching this goal – and that in itself is a breathtaking achievement.

Read full post

In other news, Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks talks to doctors Todd Evans, Jim Cheung and Albano Meli about stem cell research and how it can help in curing heart defects. Watch the incredibly fascinating interview:

For more information and free report, visit Neo Matrix Medical.

from Neo Matrix Medical

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Stem Cell Therapy is Saving Lives, Canadian Doctors Treat Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

Stem cells have successfully been used to treat various blood related forms of cancer for years and now research has paved way for treatments that encompass a vast range of conditions – from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s to osteoarthritis, muscle degeneration, Crohn’s disease and multiple sclerosis, a debilitating disease. The most common procedure for stem cell therapy is bone marrow transplant but there is no shortage of alternative methods and new discoveries.

Employing latest research in stem cell therapy, doctors in Canada have been able to ‘cure’ a patient of multiple sclerosis. This is a promising advancement in stem cell research.

Erin Davis reports for Notable

Canadian doctors have managed to reverse severe MS using stem cells, virtually eliminating it from a patient’s body. Jennifer Molson had crippling MS before she participated in a study that involved chemotherapy and a stem cell bone marrow transplant in 2002. Molson was one of a small cohort of 24 people who received the high-risk, experimental therapy.

Led by Dr. Mark Freedman and Dr. Harold Atkins at the Ottawa Hospital, the clinical trial spanned over 13 years.

Of the patients, 70 per cent saw the progression of their disease halted or reversed as their symptoms began to diminish. While Molson could barely walk or feed herself pre-trial, she now drives, kayaks, runs and skis, and hasn’t experienced any symptoms of the disease for 14 years.

It’s been hailed as remarkable by industry professionals, as the trial seems to “cure” people of their symptoms.

The experience of the cohort was documented in a paper published this week in The Lancet. It’s being called the first to describe any MS treatment that fully stops the disease over the long-term without MS medication. “This is the first treatment to produce this level of disease control or neurological recovery” from MS, said The Lancet in a news release.



Sclerosis Progresses

MS affects 20 million people globally, but tends to target females in more temperate climates like Canada and the northern U.S.

The disease is characterized by an immune system that turns on the host and attacks the protective coating around the nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord. These attacks can severely damage and destroy the nerves and protective coating, affecting the communication between the brain and the body and leading to symptoms like numbness, loss of balance, difficulty walking, loss of control of bowel and bladder, and even blindness.

Over time, patients lose control of their bodies and are often confined to wheelchairs.

Not all types of MS have the same affects. The least evil of the disease is “relapsing-remitting,” whereby the symptoms come and go and can be followed by long periods of remission. For most people, however, this version of the disease usually progresses into secondary progressive MS over time, whereby the symptoms start to stick. The most aggressive form of the disease is primary progressive MS. In this case, patients don’t experience bouts of remission, but rather a continuous decline in their health and a worsening of their symptoms.

At the time of her treatment, Molson had secondary progressive MS. Prior to the stem cell trials, nothing had worked to better her symptoms.

The treatment essentially involves an extensive combination of chemotherapy and stem cell transplants that are designed to reboot the immune system. It sees doctors harvest stem cells from the bone marrow of their patients, then purify and freeze the cells. Patients then undergo extensive chemotherapy before the preserved stem cells are returned to the patients.

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The idea is to wipe clean and reset the immune system so it has no memory of attacking the central nervous system.

According to The Lancet, the procedure fully halted clinical relapses in all of the patients and stopped the development of any new brain lesions without any medication. Other stem cell transplants have resulted in positive short-term results in MS patients, but the symptoms always returned. What makes the Ottawa trial different is that, unlike previous trials what aimed to suppress the immune system, it wipes it out altogether.

While promising, the treatment is regarded as extremely high-risk, which places limitations on its widespread use. There are high mortality rates associated with the procedure; one patient out of the initial 24 involved in the clinical trial died from liver failure. It should also be highlighted that 30 per cent of the patients did see their symptoms worsen, likely because their MS was already too far along.

Only five per cent of MS patients are eligible for this type of treatment. But for those who are, it’s being called a ‘miracle treatment’ and The Lancet is urging more clinical trials.

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You can read the original article here.

So how do stem cells do all that? How is it possible to treat such a wide array of conditions with these unspecialized cells?

Peter Diamandis from Singularity Hub explains:

You are a collection of over 30 trillion human cells.

Every one of these cells, those in your brain, lungs, liver, skin, and everywhere else, derives from a single pluripotent type of cell called a stem cell.

This post is about how stem cells are going to change medicine forever, extend life, and potentially save your life in the years ahead.

In this blog we’ll talk about why it’s important to bank the cells of your newborn children or grandchildren — and potentially your own (no matter how old you are).

In a recent Abundance 360 webinar, I had the chance to interview Dr. Robert (Bob) Hariri, one of the world’s foremost experts on stem cells. He’s the founder, chairman and chief science officer of Celgene Therapeutics, and the co-founder and vice-chairman of Human Longevity Inc. (HLI). Here is what we discussed.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells have the remarkable ability to “differentiate” into any other type of cell in the body.

Dr. Hariri explains, “At the beginning of life, a single nondescript cell with a giant nucleus, cytoplasm, and a cell membrane, goes on to replicate and create every cell in our body.

“This single cell contains within it the entire genetic code — the biological software — necessary to produce everything that ultimately defines each and every specialized cell type in the body.”

After our body has developed, among our tens of trillions of fully differentiated human cells (skin, heart, muscle, kidney) remain a population of quiescent stem cells waiting to be called into action to help repair damaged tissue. These stem cells reside everywhere: in our bone marrow, in our fat, and in every single tissue compartment.

And, as Dr. Hariri describes them, “they are nature’s perfect repair kit — ready to be mobilized and facilitate repair when needed.”

Read the full post here.

For a more visual explanation, watch this video

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To know more about stem cell therapy, visit Neo Matrix.

from Neo Matrix Medical

Monday, 27 June 2016

Ideal Source of Stem Cells - Placental Tissue Matrix - NeoMatrix Medical

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Placental Tissue Matrix explained by Dr. Mike Van Thielen at Neo Matrix Medical

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What are Adult Stem Cells by Dr. Mike Van Thielen of NeoMatrix Medical - Florida

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Placental Tissue Matrix - The Best Source of Stem Cells by Dr. Mike Van Thielen

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Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) Treatment has Limitations. Try PTM instead at NeoMatrix Medical - Florida

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Monday, 13 June 2016

Stem Cell Research: Where Are We Headed?

Stem cells are and remarkably so. They have the ability to develop into many different crucial cell types in the body. Moreover, stem cell therapy is employed into curing different forms of cancer.
Stem cells, in fact, do cure certain types of cancer currently, primarily leukemia and lymphomas. Research is underway to expand this portfolio to hopefully all forms of cancer. Scientists are also hoping that stem cell research lets them tap into what it exactly is that triggers abnormal cell growth.
Dr. Julie R. Park leads one of the numerous stem cell research teams and has recently crossed a major milestone. One of her patients, preschooler Katie Belle has completely recovered from cancer thanks to a new form of stem cell therapy.
Here is her story, as described by Jonel Aleccia for Valley News.
Girl Cured of Cancer by Two Stem-Cell Transplants
Seattle — When doctors at Seattle Children’s wanted to try an experimental treatment to attack preschooler Katie Belle’s rare and dangerous cancer, her parents were willing but wary.
The Seattle girl was diagnosed at 3½ with high-risk neuroblastoma, a nerve-cell disease that triggers tumors in babies and young children — and leads to death in more than half within five years. Katie’s chances of survival were even lower — just 35 percent. See full post here
For more information on stem cell therapy and research, visit Neo Matrix Medical.

from Neo Matrix Medical

Stem Cell Therapy - Neo Matrix Medical, Call us: 1-855-628-7495

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